We desire to help and equip families with resources to assist them as they seek the Lord together. We encourage you to make the most of your time together and utilize some of these resources as you continue to study the Word of God together! 

  • Focus on the family

    Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. They provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.


    Preview and research the movies, shows, and games that your family wants

    to watch before tuning in with these content reviews from Focus on the Family and Common Sense Media. You can see what type of content is present including violence, inappropriate images, and language.

  • d6 family ministry

    Disciple 6 Family provides many great resources to establish family discipleship in your home for parents with kids at various ages and stages! These helpful resources may help you bring some structure and ideas to your family devotional time.


    Axis Media provides parents a look into popular culture through the lens of scripture and provides discussion questions for parents. We highly recommend you subscribe to their weekly “Culture Translator” email that gives insights into what’s popular on a weekly basis and helps parents talk about these things with their children.


  • Clearplay

    Filter out the inappropriate content from movies and tv shows to protect yourselves and your family from seeing or hearing things that do not honor the Lord. You can customize the filter settings according to your needs with each video. They have an online streaming version that utilizes your video streaming services or you can purchase a physical BluRay/DVD player.

    Learn more about Clearplay