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Prayer Wall


Breaking the bonds of addiction and abuse... trying to get back to God because I have strayed way too far for WAYYY too long ,and I'm praying for strength to stick to it and not get off course ever again. I pray for forgiveness from my family and friends that have stuck by me when I DID NOT deserve it, and I pray for them all to have peace in their hearts as I'm saying this prayer so that they'll somehow feel this prayer. I know my prayer warriors are powerful from that church because I have met some of y'all before. Y'all, I just want to come back home and hug my daughters and take back custody of my son, and I want to be present every possible way I can. Will y'all please pray that this is the time it sticks? That God will rid me of anything keeping me from Him. In Jesus name I ask and pray... Amen.


A close friend and her husband are going through a hard time right now in their marriage. I ask if you could please pray over them.



Please offer up prayers for Chuck and Lindsay. They have both been battling chronic and permanent health issues for years. Currently, Chuck has been hospitalized indefinitely, and Lindsay needs help while he's gone. (My family in Wisconsin.) They are both strong believers, but even Jesus has His disciples to help Him. Thank you so much!
