WHEN: June 6-13, 2025 (Friday-Friday)

WHAT: We will be partnering with the Burch family, one of our Fayette Baptist missionary families, in Valdampierre, France sharing the gospel and completing service projects.

WHERE: Valdampierre, France

WHO CAN SERVE: Anyone in youth and up (6-12th grade must have parental permission)

TRIP LEADERS: Brad and Cherie Fowler

COST: $2,050 + passport, travel meals/snack (10 spots available, $100 non refundable deposit holds your spot) [there is a 3.5% processing fee for payments made online. The fee can be avoided by paying in-person with a check or cash]

We will have an informational meeting on Sunday, March 2nd in room A-101 at 12pm following Sunday service

Additional questions about this mission trip can be directed to Connections and Communications Coordinator Cade Shaw at