As we continue our Sermon Series through the book of Nehemiah, we have continued to be challenged to consider how we are currently serving and contributing to the Lord’s work with our own lives. A few weeks ago, we were “Awakened to the Needs” by looking at all of the Weekly Ministry Opportunities that are available to actively serve in within our church’s ministry. 

Recently, our LifeGroups took time to “Assess Your Involvement” with a Bible study on 1 Corinthians 12 and our Spiritual Gifts. As we seek to contribute to the Lord’s work through our church’s ministry, we want to ensure that we are aware of our own spiritual gifts, passions, and skills that God has blessed us with and how we can utilize those to bring Him glory! We were able to take a new Spiritual Gifts Survey in class and ask ourselves some other questions to help us along the way.

If you did not get a chance to participate in this time of assessment in LifeGroups this past week, we want to encourage you to do it on your own. You can click the link below to find a downloadable PDF of the Spiritual Gifts Survey. You can print this off or do it on your computer. We also have printed copies available at our church’s Welcome Desk. After you take the Spiritual Gifts Survey, take time to fill out this short online form (below) to inform us of what your spiritual gifts results were, along with what your passions and other skills are. 

We are asking every member who did not fill out the form in LifeGroups, to take time to complete this survey and form. Although many of us have participated in things like this in the past, it is good to re-assess these things in our life from time to time and it will really help our leadership out as we seek to make sure that every member is serving in their giftedness and passions!


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